Katara Triathlon 2025
2025 Katara Beach Triathlon
Olympic Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Youth Duathlon, Youth & Kids Run
10 January 2025
Race Information & Rules
Location & Parking
- Katara Beach, Doha, State of Qatar
- Location for Race Sign-on and race pack collection: >Click here<
- Public Parking (accessible from 05:00 AM to 06:45 AM): >Click here<
- From 06:45 am until 10:00 am – Onaiza Street will be closed (no cars will be allowed in or out on the bike course.)
- Public Parking (from 06:45 AM onwards, accessible from Lusail Expressway): >Click here<
Schedule, Friday, 10 Jan 2025:
- 05:00 am: Race Pack Collection
- 05:45 am: Swim Warmup open
- 06:30 am: Transition is closed. (No athletes for both Olympic & Sprint distances will be allowed into transition after 06:30 am)
- 06:45 am: Swim warmup closed / Briefing start.
- 07:00 am: Main event start – Swim start in waves (Chip Time result); waves will follow the sequence starting from Olympic Distance followed by Sprint Distance.
- 08:30 am: Youth Super Sprint (12-13 & 14-15 YO). This is the planned start. However, it might be changed until the last swimmer from the Olympic Distance exits the swim course).
- 09:00 am: Youth Run (7-9 & 10-11 YO)
- 10:30 am: Approximate time for Awards Ceremony
- Note: This is the schedule. However, times are subject to change if required.
Race Distances & Number of Laps**:
- Race Map: >Click here<
- Olympic Distance Triathlon (STRICTLY 18+ y/o) Individual & Team Relay: 1.5km Swim (2 laps) > 38km Bike (6 laps) > 11.2km Run (4 laps).
- Sprint Distance Triathlon (STRICTLY 16+ y/o) Individual & Team Relay: 750m Swim (1 lap) > 19km Bike (3 laps) > 5.6km Run (2 laps).
- Youth Duathlon (12-13 & 14-15 y/o): 100m Run > 12km Bike (2 laps) > 2.5km Run (1 lap).
- Kids Run (10-11 y/o): 2.5km Run (1 lap)
- Kids Run (7-9 y/o): 500m Run (1 lap)
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Every athlete will fall into his/her age group with reference to his/her age on June 30, 2025 (End of Season date).
** Athletes are responsible for counting their laps!
Start Protocol:
- Mixed wave start with 5 sec. gap between each wave
- Give priority to faster swimmers
Age Groups for Olympic Distance Triathlon:
- Individual Event (M/F)
- Under 40 (18 to 39 y/o)
- Veterans (40+)
- Team Relay
- Mix Gender, Minimum Age: 18 y/o
Age Groups for Sprint Triathlon:
- Individual Event (M/F)
- 16 to 19 y/o
- 20 to 29 y/o
- 30 to 39 y/o
- 40 to 49 y/o
- 50+ y/o
- Team Relay
- Mix Gender, Minimum Age: 16 y/o
Age Groups for Duathlon (M/F):
- 12 to 13 y/o
- 14 to 15 y/o
Age Groups for Kids Run (M/F):
- 10 to 11 y/o – 2.5km
- 7 to 9 y/o – 1km
Bag Drop Off:
- Athletes can leave their bags at the registration zone (NO BAGS IN TRANSITION)
- Expect some queues while dropping off/collecting your bag
- When collecting, the athlete must show his/her bib number
Finish Area:
- Athletes & spectators are NOT allowed to remain at the finish area after crossing the finish line.
- Once you cross the finish line, our officials will take off your timing chip.
- Once you cross the finish line, proceed to the specified area for refreshment.
Rules & Regulations:
- World Triathlon “Competition” Rules will be applied. Please check it >here<.
Swimming Rules (In addition to what is in the World Triathlon Competition Rules):
- Swimming is at your own risk and responsibility. You must be able to cover the swim distance without any assistance
- Wetsuits are:
- Mandatory for Olympic Distance Triathlon
- Allowed for Sprint Distance Triathlon
- Buoyancy devices, fins, and paddles are NOT allowed
Transition Rules (In addition to What is in World Triathlon Competition Rules):
- The transition zone (TZ) will open at 05:00 am and close at 06:30 am
- Athletes are not allowed inside transition after 06:30 am
- Spectators/family/friends/etc are NOT permitted in transition
- Bags are not permitted inside the transition
- Athletes are allowed to have a towel on the floor inside the transition
- Only equipment which are used during the race is allowed inside the transition
- There will be a designated area for Team Relay competitors to receive their timing chip from their teammates.
- Swim > Bike Relay zone is before entering the Transition 1
- Bike > Run Relay zone is after exiting Transition 2 to run.
- Team Relay athletes are NOT allowed to leave their designated zone to collect their timing chip
- Team Relay athletes who finished their designated leg are NOT allowed to stay in the timing chip handover area
- Riding your bike inside transition is NOT allowed
- Before entering transition, make sure you have your helmet on your head and your bike is ready so our officials can check it
- Bikes that have open/uncovered drop ends will not be allowed into the transition
- Cracked and/or loose helmet straps are NOT allowed
- After finishing swimming & cycling, make sure you rack your bike and place your swim gear in your designated area
- You are only allowed to ride your bike AFTER the mount line
- You must get off your bike BEFORE the dismount line
Bike Rules (In addition to What is in World Triathlon Competition Rules):
- Drafting is NOT ALLOWED.
- TT Bikes and Road Bikes are allowed.
- MTBs and Hybrids are NOT permitted in Olympic and Standard Triathlon.
- MTBs and Hybrids are allowed in the Youth Duathlon.
- There will be NO aid station on the bike route. Be self-sufficient and bring your water bottle.
- Littering and disposing of energy gels/food during the bike leg is prohibited.
- Athletes MUST have their bib number on
- The bib number must be on the back while cycling
- Athletes must take care of their own safety and the safety of others
- No outside assistance is allowed in case of a mechanical failure
- Athletes are responsible for the safety and functionality of their bikes & helmets.
- Athletes are responsible for counting their laps.
Running Rules (In addition to What is in World Triathlon Competition Rules):
- Athletes are NOT allowed to run with bare torso. Athletes must always cover their upper body & thighs
- Littering is only allowed during the run leg in the designated littering zone
- Littering zone start and finish will be marked
- Bib number MUST be present in the front during the run leg
- Littering outside the littering zone is a rule violation
General Rules & information:
- Athletes must return their timing chip. Failure to do so, the athlete must pay 500 QAR
- Timing chip must be placed on the left foot ankle
- Our officials are available to assist you. Kindly adhere to their instructions.
- We strongly advise you to stay hydrated and use sunscreen
- The race course will be marked. However, it is the athletes’ responsibility to follow the course and count their laps
Registration Fees:
- Olympic Triathlon (Non-QCTF members): 350 QAR
- Olympic Triathlon (QCTF members): 300 QAR
- Olympic Triathlon Team Relay (fixed amount): 400 QAR
- Sprint Triathlon (Non-QCTF members): 250 QAR
- Sprint Triathlon (QCTF members): 200 QAR
- Sprint Triathlon Team Relay (fixed amount): 300 QAR
- Youth Duathlon: 150 QAR
- Youth & Kids Run: 100 QAR
See you at the start line!
ترايثلون شاطئ كاتارا 2025
المسافة الأولمبية، مسافة السبرنت، دواثلون الناشئين، سباق جري الأشبال والبراعم
معلومات وتعليمات السباق
الموقع وأماكن الاصطفاف
- شاطئ كاتارا
- موقع التسجيل واستلام أرقام السباق: اضغط هنا
- مواقف المشاركين المفتوحة من الساعة 5:00 – 06:45 صباحاً: اضغط هنا
- مواقف المشاركين المفتوحة من الساعة 06:45 فما بعد (الدخول من طريق لوسيل السريع): اضغط هنا
- من الساعة 06:45 سيكون شارع عنيزة مغلق (لن يسمح بوجود السيارات على مسار السباق)
جدول الفعاليات: الجمعة – 10 يناير 2025
- 05:00: استلام شريحة التوقيت
- 05:45: بدء إحماء السباحة
- 06:30: إغلاق الترانزيشن (المسافة الأولمبية والسبرنت – لن يسمح بدخول اللاعبين بدخول الترانزيشن بعد الساعة 06:30)
- 06:45: إغلاق مسار السباحة
- 07:00: انطلاق الفعالية الرئيسية – المسافة الأولمبية والسبرنت. (سيتم الانطلاق في مجموعات ابتداء بالمشاركين في المسافة الأولمبية، وثم مسافة السبرنت)
- 08:30: سوبر سبرنت (عمر 12-13 و 14-15). (هذا هو موعد الانطلاق المخطط له، لكن قد يتم تأجيله إلى حين خروج آخر سباح من المياه)
- 09:00: سباق جري البراعم (عمر 7-9 و 10 -11)
- 10:30: التتويج
- ملاحظة: هذا هو الجدول المحدد إلا أن الأوقات قابلة للتغيير في حال دعت الحاجة
مسافات السباق وعدد اللفات:
- خارطة المسار: اضغط هنا.
- المسافة الأولمبية (18+ عام – فردي وتتابع فرقي): 1.5كم سباحة (2 لفة) – 38كم دراجة (6 لفات) – 11.2كم جري (4 لفات)
- مسافة السبرنت (16+ عام – فردي وتتابع فرقي): 750م سباحة (1 لفة) – 19كم دراجة (3 لفات) – 5.6كم جري (2 لفة)
- دواثلون الناشئين (12-13 عام و 14-15 عام): 100م جري – 12كم دراجة (2 لفة) – 2.5كم جري (1 لفة)
- سباق جري البراعم (10-11 عام): 2.5كم جري (1 لفة)
- سباق جري البراعم (7-9 عام): 500م جري (1 لفة)
- ملاحظة: سيتم احتساب الفئة العمرية للاعب بناء على عمره بتاريخ 30 يناير 2025 (تاريخ نهاية الموسم)
تنبيه: كل لاعب مسؤول عن عدد لفاته
بروتوكول الانطلاق:
- الانطلاق سيكون في مجموعات مع وجود 5 ثواني فارق بين كل مجموعة
- أعط الأولوية للسباحين السريعين
الفئات العمرية للمسافة الأولمبية (رجال/سيدات):
السباق الفردي:
- تحت 40 (18-39 عام)
- فوق 40 (40+ عام)
التتابع الفرقي:
- مختلط (العمر الأدنى 18 عام)
الفئات العمرية للسبرنت تراياثلون (رجال/سيدات):
السباق الفردي:
- 16 – 19 عام
- 20 – 29 عام
- 30 – 39 عام
- 40 – 49 عام
- +50 عام
التتابع الفرقي:
- مختلط (العمر الأدنى للمشاركة هو 16 عام)
الفئات العمرية للدواثلون (ذكور/إناث):
- 12-13 عام
- 14 – 15 عام
الفئات العمرية لسباق جري البراعم:
- 7-9 أعوام (1كم)
- 10-11 عام (2.5كم)
تخزين الحقائب:
- يستطيع المشاركين ترك حقائبهم في المنطقة المخصصة. (يمنع وضع الحقائب في منطقة التبديل)
- توقع الانتظار بعض الوقت عند ترك/استلام حقيبتك
- عند استلام الحقيبة، يتوجب على كل المشاركين إبراز أرقامهم
منطقة النهاية:
- يمنع من المشاركين والحضور البقاء في منطقة النهاية بعد الوصول
- بعد الوصول، على المشاركين التوجه مباشرة إلى المنطقة المخصصة
- عند الوصول، سيقوم الحكام بأخذ شريحة التوقيت الخاصة بكم
القواعد والتعليمات:
سيتم تطبيق قواعد الاتحاد الدولي للعبة. نرجو منكم مراجعتها هنا